Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Ep# 306 Random Things & Conversation with a Conditionalist
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
On this episode of G220 Radio, George Alvarado has a conversation with Reese Watt a conditionalist. Followed by random things in the second half of the show, where the G220 Radio hosts will discuss some upcoming things concerning G220 and our transitioning to YouTube for a more interactive show as we move forward in working to bring you a better podcast each and every week. 1) First Half of the program Discussion between George Alvarado & Reese Watt on Conditionalism 2) Second half of the program Mike, Ricky & George catch up and discuss some of the transitioning happening with G220 Radio and the guys busy schedules.
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Continuing with our series on the Synod of Dordt,* Dr. Don Sinnema takes us through part 3 where we'll discuss the controversy surrounding predestination, salvation, and condemnation of the lost. Was it just the Arminian's perspective that the Synod debated over? What about some of the in-house debates (and arguing) that took place? Did the Synod take a hard stance on predestination? Were they really as extreme as some people think? Or was there a more systematic and balanced perspective? Don't miss this episode!
Check out Part 1 - Ep# 296 The Synod of Dordt, God's Sovereignty, & Man's Responsibility for a general overview of the Canons. Part 2 - Ep# 299 Canons of Dordt: General Characteristics and The Issue of TULIP where we discuss the style, structure, and pastoral nature of the canons and the TULIP. Part 3 - Ep# 305 Predestination in the Canons of Dordt: Reformed/Arminian Perspectives. Part 4 Ep# 316 Canons of Dordt and the Nature of Conversion where we discuss the nature of conversion in view of the canons. And finally, Part 5, Ep #326: The Synod of Dordt Project: Publishing the Documents of Dordt where we explore the historical documents, their much needed publishing, and their relevance.
Dr. Don Sinnema was born and raised in southern Alberta, Canada. He holds a Masters in Philosophy from the Institute for Christian Studies and a Ph.D. from St. Michael's College, University of Toronto where he completed his dissertation on the Synod of Dordt. He spent most of his career teaching at Trinity Christian College in the Southwest side of Chicago, and is now retired, living in Holland, Michigan. He is one of three general editors, with a team of 45 contributing editors, to publish 10 volumes of all the documents of the Synod of Dordt (1618-19) in their original languages.
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Ep# 304 1689-Chapter 7: Of God's Covenant
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Hosted by:Ricky Gantz On this episode of G220 Radio we continue our series on the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. We begin with Chapter 7: Of God's Covenant with Pastor Josh Tinkham of Covenant Community Church-http://www.covenantcommunitychurchofnewark.com/-in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America- http://www.arbca.com/ Our goal with this series is to help you become more familiar with the 1689 Confession of Faith as we go through this series we will have a group Reformed Baptist Pastors who will take us through each chapter of the confession. Check out Chapter 7- http://www.arbca.com/1689-chapter7 If you have any questions please email us at g220radio@gmail.com and we will do our best to make sure we ask your questions on the show in accordance with the chapter.
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Ep# 303 The Bible & Homosexuality
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
On this episode of G220 Radio we will continue to discuss a topic we started last week with our guest Keith Giles who believes the Bible does not condemn Homosexuality. Time went by quickly and so Mike Miller and Ricky Gantz will be back to discuss this topic. If you have any questions or comments leave them below or email us at g220radio@gmail.com and visit our website at www.g220ministries.com
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
On this episode of G220 Radio we begin a series on the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. We begin with chapter 6: Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the punishment thereof with Pastor Fred Pugh of Grace Covenant Church- http://gracecovenantcleveland.com/ -in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America- http://www.arbca.com/ -Our goal with this series is to help you become more familiar with the 1689 Confession of Faith as we go through this series we will have a group Reformed Baptist Pastors who will take us through each chapter of the confession. Check out Chapter 6 http://www.arbca.com/1689-chapter6 If you have any questions about the confession please email us at g220radio@gmail.com and we will do our best to make sure we ask your questions on the show in corrospondance with the chapter.
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Ep# 300 Homosexuality And The Bible
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be discussing the topic of Homosexuality and the Bible: The final straw before God's judgment. Hosted by: Ricky Gantz, Mike Miller & George Alvarado w/Guest: Keith Giles This time a year many cities are having parades and celebrations of pride in support of the LGBT+, this is a very serious issue that is becoming more and more acceptable in our nation and even more concerning is that it is become more acceptable by those who profess the name of Christ and claim to be christian churches. Just this past weekend here in Cleveland, Ohio many came out to the activities and the parade and many so-called churches participated in the events. G220 Ministries along with Striving For Eternity Ministries which was in town hosting an Equip Ohio conference partnered together to preach the gospel at this event. While many want to say it is unloving to say the Bible condemns homosexuality, the truth is the most loving thing a Christian can do is warn others to repent and turn to Christ. Well on this episode of G220 Radio we will discuss this issue with Keith Giles who is a professing christian who holds to an affirming position of homosexuality, which we at G220 would strongly disagree with. Be sure to tune in and listen as we engage with Mr. Giles on this important topic. Find out more about the ministry and radio show at: http://www.g220ministries.com
Thursday May 31, 2018
Ep# 299 Canons of Dordt: General Characteristics and The Issue of TULIP
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Continuing with our series on the Synod of Dordt,* Dr. Don Sinnema will take us through part 2 by describing some general characteristics of the Canons, as well as discussing the TULIP acronym. We will explore the overarching theological theme of the Canons. Its style, structure, and pastoral character. We will ask questions concerning whether it is a moderate or extreme form of Reformed Theology? Whether the TULIP is an accurate summary of the Canons? And why are the Canons significant to Reformed churches? We'll see if we can do this in a half hour. Don't miss this episode!
*Check out Part 1 - Ep# 296 The Synod of Dordt, God's Sovereignty, & Man's Responsibility for a general overview of the Canons. Part 2 - Ep# 299 Canons of Dordt: General Characteristics and The Issue of TULIP where we discuss the style, structure, and pastoral nature of the canons and the TULIP. Part 3 - Ep# 305 Predestination in the Canons of Dordt: Reformed/Arminian Perspectives. Part 4 Ep# 316 Canons of Dordt and the Nature of Conversion where we discuss the nature of conversion in view of the canons. And finally, Part 5, Ep #326: The Synod of Dordt Project: Publishing the Documents of Dordt where we explore the historical documents, their much needed publishing, and their relevance.
Dr. Don Sinnema was born and raised in southern Alberta, Canada. He holds a Masters in Philosophy from the Institute for Christian Studies and a Ph.D. from St. Michael's College, University of Toronto where he completed his dissertation on the Synod of Dordt. He spent most of his career teaching at Trinity Christian College in the Southwest side of Chicago and is now retired, living in Holland, Michigan. He is one of three general editors, with a team of 45 contributing editors, to publish 10 volumes of all the documents of the Synod of Dordt (1618-19) in their original languages.
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Ep# 298 The Road To Abolishing Abortion
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
On this episode we talk to Tony Dipane about abortion and the road to abolishing abortion. Discussing the potential pitfalls of abortion ministry as well the importance of being a voice to voiceless in a culture death. What does the Bible say about abortion? Is it unloving to stand outside an abortion center and plead with the women going in? Some view that as unloving and harassment of women, claiming its their body and their choice. What about in the cases of rape, incest and health of the mother? Tony will share with us his story of how he became involved in ministering against abortion.
Friday May 25, 2018
Ep #297 1689-Chapter 5: Of Divine Providence
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Hosted by:Ricky Gantz On this episode of G220 Radio we continue our series on the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. We begin with Chapter 5: Of Divine Providence with PastorJosh Tinkham of Covenant Community Church-http://www.covenantcommunitychurchofnewark.com/-in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America- http://www.arbca.com/ Our goal with this series is to help you become more familiar with the 1689 Confession of Faith as we go through this series we will have a group Reformed Baptist Pastors who will take us through each chapter of the confession. Check out Chapter 5- http://www.arbca.com/1689-chapter5 If you have any questions please email us at g220radio@gmail.com and we will do our best to make sure we ask your questions on the show in accordance with the chapter.
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Ep# 295 Hermeneutics
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
On this episode of G220 Radio, we will be discussing Hermeneutics....Hermen Who??? Yes Hermeneutics, which is such an important topic to discuss because many professing Christians today have never heard the term, let alone know what the principles of interpreting scriptures are. One of the main reasons why so many today that call themselves Christians struggle and are lead into so many false teachings and misinterpretations of the Word of God is because they don't apply proper hermeneutics when study the scriptures. So be sure to tune in as Ricky Gantz, Mike Miller, & George Alvarado as we discuss Hermeneutics with our guest Christopher Williams