Tuesday Jul 05, 2016
Ep# 167 Baptism Debate: Presbyterian & Reformed Baptist
Tuesday Jul 05, 2016
Tuesday Jul 05, 2016
Baptism a sign of the covenant! So should it be given to babies being brought into the convenant or for believers who are born again.
Reformed Baptist Pastor Mike Waters of Heritage Reformed Baptist Church and Presbyterian Ricky W. Roldan will debate the topic of baptism.
#Paedo vs #Credo
Which position do you hold to?
After the cross examination from both parties YOU, the listener will have the opportunity to call into the show and ask a question of one of the men concerning this topic. 347-857-4028 or by posting your question in the chat room. My co-host Juan Nieto III will be monitoring the chat room and phone lines.
This is going to be a great debate between two brothers I know have a mutual respect for one another despite differences on this topic. May these two brothers set an example for how those in the body of Christ can have dialog and reason together from the scriptures.
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Ep# 166 Independence Day
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio! A Christian Internet Radio program dedicated to glorifying God, encouraging and equipping believers, convicting to the lost! We cover a variety a multitude of topics from Genesis - Revelation.
This is a special episode of G220 Radio, normally the program can be heard on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm EST right here on blogtalk radio or at a later date on iTunes. Being that it is independence day we went down to Cleveland, Ohio to evangelize and was able to have some good conversations and we want to share them with you here on this episode.
To learn more about G220 Ministries & Radio please visit: http://www.g220ministries.com
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
Ep# 165 The Deity of Christ
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Does the Bible declare that Jesus is God? What does Son of Man mean? What does it mean for Jesus to be called the Son of God? How did the pharisees view Jesus' statement "Before Abraham was I AM"? Join us as we look at the Deity of Christ. During a questions and comments time we will open the phone lines 347-857-4028.
Our guest is Andrew Rappaport, founder and president of Striving for Eternity Ministries, established Spread the Fire, evangelism training and outreach events, most notably Jersey Fire (NJ) and NorCal Fire (CA). He is the instructor for the Striving for Eternity Academy, an online school that teaches hermeneutics and systematic theology. Andrew is the author of the book What Do They Believe which is a systematic theology of the major western religions.
Striving for Eternity is a Christ-centered ministry focused on equipping people for eternity by assisting Christians to have an eternal perspective on life.
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Ep# 164 In the Beginning God Conference: Evangelism 101
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio! If you would like to know more about the radio program and G220 Ministries please visit the website: http://www.g220ministries.com
This message was from the In the Beginning God Conference back on April 23rd or 2016 put on by Remember Ministries. Ricky Gantz was tasked with given a practical way of getting out to evangelize before those in attendance would have the opportunity to hit the streets of Cleveland and put into practice all that they had learned from the conference that day.
Be sure to share G220 Radio & send us your feedback at g220radio@gmail.com
Also rate and review the show on iTunes and make sure you subscribe to hear all the latest from the G220 Radio Network.
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Ep# 162 The Gospel to India//Interview with Daniel Stephen Courney
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio, where we hope you will be encouraged, edified, and uplifted in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. On this episode I was able to have a conversation with Daniel Stephen Courney who shared his testimony of conversion and how the Lord is using him in India to preach the gospel on the streets and plant Churches.
Find out more about G220 Radio & Ministries at: http://www.g220ministries.com
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Ep# 161 Ohio Brethren//Joe Conkle and Caleb Davenport
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio! On this episode my guests are Joe Conkle & Caleb Davenport, Ohio Brethren that I've been blessed to know and look forward to hearing their testimonies about how they came to the Lord Jesus Christ, how they got started in evangelism (open air preaching & one2one & tracting), and more.
Please visit the website if you would like to know more about G220 Ministries & Radio: http://www.g220ministries.com
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Ep# 160 The Lesser of Two Evils
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Welcome to another episode of G220 Radio! Here on the program we talk about a wide variety of topics from a Christians worldview. Our hope is that the show will be encouraging to believers, and convicting to sinners.
To learn more about the program & ministry, please visit the website: http://www.g220ministries.com
On this episode of G220 Radio we are going to talk politics, what do we do as a nation when the only candidates we have from the two major parties do not stand for our beliefs as Christians, do we vote for the lesser of two evils? or do we have other options? What do we do? Vote for Trump? Vote for Clinton? No Vote? Vote for a third party? Wouldn't voting for a third party be throwing away a vote? Well my guest is Tom Hoefling who is campaigning to become the President of the United States of America in America's Party.
To find out more about Tom Hoefling please visit their website: http://www.tomhoefling.com
Thursday May 26, 2016
Tongue Waggers: Lingwistiks frum a Xtian W/V (Ep 4)
Thursday May 26, 2016
Thursday May 26, 2016
On this episode your Tongue Wagging gents will continue to explain word classes, but the main thrust will be exegetical/linguistic fallacies. You will be surprised how many times we all commit these fallacies when discussing various subjects, when we are out witnessing, but most often, when exegeting and explaining Scripture. Here is the list of fallacies we are going to discuss:
- The Root Fallacy
- Semantic Anachronism
- Illegitimate totality transfer
- Word-Concept Fallacy (aka Lexical-Conceptual Fallacy)
- Diachronic Priority
- One Meaning Fallacy (aka Word Study)
If you have any questions, email us at g220radio@gmail.com
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Ep# 159 UFC-Ultimate Fighting Christians
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio! Here on the program we discuss a wide variety of topics from biblical worldview. Our prayer is that we will be encouraging and edifying to the believers and convicting to sinners.
On this episode of G220 Radio we are going to be talking about the UFC and Mixed Martial Arts. Frank Mullis is a martial artist who has trained others in fighting in mixed martial arts. There are some who see the UFC and Mixed Martial arts as something Christians should not endorse or be a part of. Looking forward to having a conversation with Frank Mullis on the Ultimate Fighting Christian.