
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Ep# 93 Monday Night Special
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Monday Aug 31, 2015
You are listening to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to welcome you and thank you for joining the program. The purpose of G220 Radio is to talk about a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. My hope is that you will be edified, equipped and encouraged during the show. And I would love to hear your feedback about what you hear on G220 Radio, by going to our Facebook page or twitter account or you can send your feedback by email to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or call 1-216-744-9581 and leave a message. If you have an iTunes account then go subscribe to G220 Radio on iTunes then once you do that please rate and review the podcast.
So what is so special about Monday Night........Well you will have to tune in to find out.

Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Ep# 92 Sunday Night Small Talk 8/30/15
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
You are listening to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to welcome you and thank you for joining the program. The purpose of G220 Radio is to talk about a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. My hope is that you will be edified, equipped and encouraged during the show. And I would love to hear your feedback about what you hear on G220 Radio, by going to our Facebook page or twitter account or you can send your feedback by email to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or call 1-216-744-95811-216-744-9581 and leave a message. If you have an iTunes account then go subscribe to G220 Radio on iTunes then once you do that please rate and review the podcast.
On this episode of G220 Radio the phone lines are open 347-857-4028. Call in and share whats on your mind, who knows where the conversation will go tonight. Have you participated in the "Question of the day?" that I usually ask everyday on my Facebook page? Well tonight we will look at some of those questions and the answers that have been posted in response.
Also hoping to get to some What's in the News segments as well as some Big Bad Wolf segments time permitted.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Ep# 91 Hypocrisy & Christian Singleness
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
You are listening to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to welcome you and thank you for joining the program. The purpose of G220 Radio is to talk about a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. My hope is that you will be edified, equipped and encouraged during the show. And I would love to hear your feedback about what you hear on G220 Radio, by going to our Facebook page or twitter account or you can send your feedback by email to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or call 1-216-744-9581 and leave a message. If you have an iTunes account then go subscribe to G220 Radio on iTunes then once you do that please rate and review the podcast.
By now many of you have probably heard about Josh Duggar being on Ashley Madison and involved in an adulterous relationship. How do we view hypocrisy? What should our responses be to someone who comes to us struggling with hypocrisy?

Tuesday Aug 18, 2015
Ep# 90 Parenting Teenagers
Tuesday Aug 18, 2015
Tuesday Aug 18, 2015
You are listening to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to welcome you and thank you for joining the program. The purpose of G220 Radio is to talk about a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. My hope is that you will be edified, equipped and encouraged during the show. And I would love to hear your feedback about what you hear on G220 Radio, by going to our Facebook page or twitter account or you can send your feedback by email to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or call 1-216-744-9581 and leave a message. If you have an iTunes account then go subscribe to G220 Radio on iTunes then once you do that please rate and review the podcast.
On this episode of G220 Radio I will be talking about Parenting Teenagers with my guest Jason Mcgough. Do you have questions about raising teenagers? Or maybe something you would like to share. Send your questions or stories to my email or on the fb page.

Sunday Aug 16, 2015
Ep# 89 Sunday Night Small Talk (Open Phones--8/16/15)
Sunday Aug 16, 2015
Sunday Aug 16, 2015
You are listening to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to welcome you and thank you for joining the program. The purpose of G220 Radio is to talk about a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. My hope is that you will be edified, equipped and encouraged during the show. And I would love to hear your feedback about what you hear on G220 Radio, by going to our Facebook page or twitter account or you can send your feedback by email to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or call 216-744-9581 and leave a message. If you have an iTunes account then go subscribe to G220 Radio on iTunes then once you do that please rate and review the podcast.
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
In the first half hour we will be listening to a sermon by Pastor Mike Waters of Heritage Reformed Baptist Church in North Canton, Ohio on Galatians 2:20. You can find more sermons from Pastor Mike Waters here on sermon audio: http://www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=heritagerbc
Opening up the phone lines....during the second half of the show so what's on your mind? Let's talk!

Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
Ep# 88 The Church (Bride of Christ)
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
You are listening to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to welcome you and thank you for joining the program. The purpose of G220 Radio is to talk about a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. My hope is that you will be edified, equipped and encouraged during the show. And I would love to hear your feedback about what you hear on G220 Radio, by going to our Facebook page or twitter account or you can send your feedback by email to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or call 216-744-9581 and leave a message. If you have an iTunes account then go subscribe to G220 Radio on iTunes then once you do that please rate and review the podcast.
Tonight on G220 Radio I will be talking about The Church (Bride of Christ) with my guest Pastor Jason Hilliard of Faith Baptist Church in Duncanville, Texas. What is the Church? How should we view the Church? Do we really need to go to Church to be a Christian? What is the purpose of the Church? Should the Church get involved in social issues? What about the separation of Church and State, should the Church get involved in political issues? Some of these questions and more on this episode of G220 Radio. If you have any questions about the Church send them in now.
For more information about Pastor Jason Hilliard & Faith Baptist Church click here>>>>>http://www.duncanvillefaithbc.org/index.html

Sunday Aug 09, 2015
Ep# 87 Sunday Night Small Talk (August 9th, 2015)
Sunday Aug 09, 2015
Sunday Aug 09, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio!! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I thank you for joining the program tonight, glad to have you listening to the show. Here on G220 Radio we like to talk about just about everything and anything from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to edify, equip and encourage the saints as we journey through life striving to look more and more like Jesus Christ.
G220 Ministries stands for Galatians 2:20 which says, I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Tonight on Sunday Night Small Talk I wasn't really sure if we would have a show tonight or not because this week has been such a busy, busy week and even today there is so much going on. The Canton Pro Football Hall of Fame Game Outreach is tonight and wasn't sure if I would make it home in time to host the show. So I pushed the start time back a half hour and will see how it goes! Really don't have any specific topics in mind for tonight's episode of G220 Radio, but will talk about the outreach in Canton as well as upcoming outreach events and more! Guess we will just have to play this one by ear and see what comes up throughout the day that draws my attention to a topic to discuss and talk about.
To find out more about the ministry click here>> http://www.g220ministries.com/

Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Ep# 86 Mission Trip with Caleb Wright
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to thank you for joining me tonight here on this Sunday evenings program. Here on G220 Radio our purpose to Glorify God, to edify, equip and encourage the saints as we grow to be more and more like Jesus Christ.
On this episode of G220 Radio I will be talking with Caleb Wright of Made For This Ministries about his recent youth mission trip. So be sure to tune in and listen.
Also before we get to the interview with Caleb I will tell you about this weeks outreaches and my experience at tonight's first night of VBS.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Ep# 85 G220 Ministries--Giving the Glory to God!
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio! Thank you for joining the program tonight here on the show we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equip, edify, and encourage the saints to be more and more like Jesus Christ!
On this episode of G220 Radio Austin Hetsler joins the program as we talk about G220 Ministries and Giving the Glory to God for all He has been doing through the ministry. We will discuss some of the outreaches we've had, upcoming outreaches & conferences, growing numbers and interest from others in joining us in evangelism, also dealing with the police on the streets.
For more information about the ministry: http://www.g220ministries.com/

Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
Ep# 84 Biblical Repentance...Why it is important to know!
Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to thank you for joining the program. Here on G220 Radio we look to encourage, edify and strengthen the believer as we all grow to be more and more like Jesus Christ.
On this episode of G220 Radio Mark Loeffert joins the program to discuss Biblical Repentance.....Why it is important to know! Mark is a Pastor, Teacher, Open Air Preacher and Blogger. For more information, sermons and blogs go to: http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?speakeronly=true&currsection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=Mark_Loeffert