
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Ep# 83 Presuppositional Apologetics #2
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Welcome to another episode of G220 Radio! I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to thank you for joining me and listening to the program. My intentions are to equip, edify and encourage the Saints as we grow together desiring to look more and more like Jesus Christ.
On this episode of G220 Radio we are continuing the conversation on presuppositional apologetics.
My good friend and brother in Christ, Anthony Silvestro will be in the drivers seat tonight for the show as a guest host.
Also joining us again on the show Thomas Crews.

Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Ep# 82 AHA (Abolish Human Abortion)
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to thank you for joining me tonight. Here on G220 Radio we talk about a variety of topics from a biblical worldview and our purpose is to equip, encourage and edify our brother and sisters in Christ.
I would also like to encourage you to send us your feedback about the show, whether it is something you here on tonight's show or a past episode. The best way you can do that is to follow us on twitter and like the Facebook page for G220 Radio and there you can send us your comments about the show. If you enjoy G220 Radio and the show is encouraging to you please share the episodes on your social media sites to help spread the word about the program.
On this episode of G220 Radio we are going to be talking about a serious issue that take place here in America, what many refer to and rightfully so is the modern day holocaust know as abortion. My guests on G220 Radio are two men who stand against this horrific act of legalized murder that take place here in our nation.
My first guest is Tim Locklear of Bellevue, Nebraska. He is the director and founder of the Abolitionist Society of The Omaha Metro Area.
My second guest is Jace Isham of College Station, Texas. He is the director of the Abolitionist Society of College Station Texas
You can find out more about the Abolitionist Society of The Omaha Metro Area here at the website: http://www.ASoOmaha.org/
So be sure to tune in to find out more about abortion from these two men and about AHA. Also I will be asking them to address some of the issues that others may have with AHA. So be sure to join the show.

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Ep# 81 Presuppositional Apologetics
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio we explore the biblical apologetic principle of presuppositional apologetics. Many people are familiar with evidential apologetics where we debate back and forth with non believers over evidences so what makes presuppositional apologetics different.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Ep# 80 Brotherly Love
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to thank you for joining me tonight. Here on G220 Radio we talk about a variety of topics from a biblical worldview and our purpose is to equip, encourage and edify our brother and sisters in Christ.
On this episode we are going to talk about Brotherly Love as well as listen to some music and audio clips I have lined up in the cue

Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Ep# 79 Bezeugen Tracts
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio! Thank you for joining the program tonight here on the show we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equip, edify, and encourage the saints to be more and more like Jesus Christ!
It's Sunday Night Small Talk here on G220 Radio where we usually have a topic or topics up for conversation then we open the phone lines for you the listener to call in and join the conversation and share your thoughts. On this episode the topic is Bezeugen Tracts and my guest is Carl Kalbfleisch. You can find out more about Bezeugen Ministries by going to http://bezeugen.org/
Outline for tonight's program:
Carl Kalbfleisch will share his testimony of how he came to Christ
How he got started in evangelism and use of gospel tracts
Tell us about Bezeugen Tracts
Gospel tract testimonies & creative ways to use gospel tracts
Call in 347-857-4028 and share your testimonies and creative ways you have used gospel tracts and share what some of your favorite tracts are that you like to use.

Friday Jun 26, 2015
Ep# 78 Supreme Court Rules in favor of Gay Marriage
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Today the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Gay Marriage, so tonight on G220 Radio in a special edition episode we will open up the phone lines and listen to what you have to say about this ruling.
How does this effect our nation? How could this effect the Church? and How should Christians respond? This is definitely a great time for conversation throughout the United States about this topic and as Christians we should take advantage of it to share the gospel with a lost and dying world.
Christians now is the time to stand up, stand up for Jesus!!

Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Ep# 77 TULIP Series: Perseverance of the Saints
Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I want to thank you for joining the program tonight. Here at G220 Radio we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equip, edify, and encourage the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ!
On this episode of G220 Radio we continue our teaching through the Doctrines o Grace in the TULIP Series: Perseverance of the Saints with David Martin & Blair Radney of http://heartsforthelost.com/ Ministry.
Perseverance of the saints is the name that is used to summarize what the Bible teaches about the eternal security of the believer. It answers the question, “Once a person is saved, can he lose his salvation?”
This is the final episode in this series through the TULIP and I hope the series has blessed you and helped you understand the Doctrines of Grace more than before.
If you would like to know more about G220 Radio go to http://www.g220ministries.com/ or if you would like to call and leave me a message about the show whether it be a question or a comment you can also call 1-216-744-9581 n leave a message.

Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Ep# 76 Sunday Night Small Talk (June 21st 2015)
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I am your host Ricky Gantz and I want to thank you for joining the program tonight. Here at G220 Radio we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equip, edify, and encourage the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ! While the purpose of G220 Radio is to build up our brothers and sisters, we will not shy away from the tough topics and will at times on the show confront errors and false teachings. Our prayer is to point believers to the truth and ultimately challenge the listeners to be like the bereans in searching the scriptures daily to test what we hear by the Word of God.
Tonight on the program this is what I have planned:
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's
Worldy Logic
Who is Jesus? & The Gospel
The Gospel Tract
RTS & Good Resources

Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Ep# 75 TULIP Series: Irresistible Grace
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio! Thank you for joining the program tonight here on the show we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equipt, edify, and encourage the saints to be more and more like Jesus Christ!
Upcoming Conferences & Events
1) Jersey Fire http://strivingforeternity.org/event/jersey-fire-2015/
2) SFOI http://sfoi.org/
TULIP Series: Irresistible Grace w/guests Scotty Logue & David Martin from http://heartsforthelost.com/
Irresistible Grace (or efficacious grace) is a doctrine in Christian theology particularly associated with Calvinism which teaches that the saving grace of God is effectually applied to those whom he has determined to save (the elect), whereby in God's timing, he overcomes their resistance to the call of the gospel and irresistibly brings them to a saving

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Ep# 74 Sunday Night Small Talk (June 14th 2015)
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio Sunday Night Small Talk, the phone lines are open and welcome you to call into the show to share your thought's on the topic for tonight. The number is 347-857-4028 so pick up your phone call into the show and share with me your views about the topic for tonight!
Sunday Night Small Talk Topic for tonight:
What are your thoughts on Youth Ministries, such as Sunday School, AWANA Programs and Vacation Bible School (VBS)? Are youth ministries good or bad? Biblical or not? Looking forward to hearing what you the listeners have to say about youth ministries & programs, so don't be shy call in and tell me what you think.
We will also listen to an audio where a lady on the streets asked people if they ever heard of Jesus and the answers we hear from these people is why it is so important to the conversation as to why we need to get Youth Ministries right.
5 Reasons The Church Needs Youth Ministry Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3momk_FNNLI
Divided Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fKsWait2pE
If you would like to know more about G220 Radio check out the links below to find out who we are and what we are all about.