
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Ep# 53 Discipleship
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Hour One: In the first hour of the show we will be taking a look at some criticism Atheists have about Christianity. Also we are going to look at a recent article on how to distinguish between a true Christian and a hypocrite.
Sermon Jam of the week: We will be taking a look at Paul Washer
Open Air Preaching Spotlight: Tonight’s spotlight will be on a man who needs know spotlight, a man who has been very instrumental in the lives of many men to get out and share the Gospel, who is that man you say. None other then Ray Comfort.
Hour Two: Mark Loeffert will join me to share what is on his heart as we talk about the importance of having bible studies, the importance of prayer and about some of his recent blogs.
Tune in tonight you will not want to miss out on G220 Radio!!

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Ep# 52 The Takeover/True Beauty
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Hour One: The Take Over w/ guests Beth Morris & Mary Vitrano Thompson
Who knows what to expect when these two women get together, especially when I am around. And on the Radio you will just have to tune in to find out what these ladies have on their minds. During this take over might rename the show the Beth and Mary Show!!
Hour Two: True Beauty w/ Jasmine Le'Shea
During the second part of the show i will be interviewing Jasmine Le'Shea about her new single True Beauty as well as hearing her testimony in how she came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Also talk to her about trusting in the Lord when going through trials.

Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Ep# 51 Social Media & Pornography
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio Mitchell Lebron joins me to discuss the topic of Social Media & pornography. Facebook and Twitter as well as many other social media sites make it so easy to access just about anything at anytime right at our fingertips. There is a lot of good that can come from using social media, we have access to great teaching and sermons with the ability to reach people across the globe instantly. However social media can also be used sinfully also. Sometimes even between brothers and sisters in Christ.

Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Ep# 50 Genesis: In the beginning--GOD part 2
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
In Hour One
On this episode of G220 Radio we return to our series on the study of Genesis with Anthony Silvestro in the first hour of the show.
In Hour Two
Do you remember my time on Berean Boys Radio? Maybe you do maybe you don't, but on this episode I will be playing an interview my co-host and I on Berean Boys Radio did with JD Hall of Pulpit and Pen about the Modern Day Downgrade in the Church. Hopefully I have come along way since my days on BBR, hope you will enjoy the interview.

Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
Ep# 49 Taking the gospel to the streets of Chicago/Roe V. Wade Anniversary
Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio:
In the first hour I'm excited and looking forward to have two good brothers from the Chicago Evangelism Team, Del Sutter and Ken Hisle. Looking forward to them sharing their testimonies with us and hear about how they have been taking the gospel to the streets of Chicago through public proclamation. They have ...a great bunch of brothers that join them out on the streets, so looking forward to hearing what the Lord is doing with these brothers.
In the second hour, G220 Ministries partner Austin Hetsler, Laura Fairhaven and Pam Hettinga will be joining me to talk with me about the events that happened this past Saturday out at the abortuary. How we seen the Lord work in turning away a young girl who was there being pressured to have an abortion by her own family. How the Lord in His Sovereignty worked in a mighty way and how God used Pam as a pivotal piece in this situation. And also hear about the events that was taking place out there due to the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. All this in the second hour of G220 Radio.
Send us your feedback at g220radio@gmail.com

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Ep# 48 Sermon Jams and Solid Biblical Ministries
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be talking about solid biblical ministries, sharing with the listeners ministries that are sound in their theology and have made an impact on my life.
Sermon Jams: We will also be listening to sermon jams throughout the show of many of the solid biblical ministries that will be discussed throughout the show.
What's in the news segment we will talk about recent stories in the news from a biblical worldview.
Open Air Preacher Spotlight: Taking a look at good biblical open air preaching, higlighting preachers who are biblical and faithful.
Send us your feedback at g220radio@gmail.com

Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Ep# 47 A families adoption campaign & Reality in the Christian life.
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Hour One: A families adoption campaign with The Powell Family
The Powell's will share with us their story of wanting to adopt a child from a foreign country and how the Lord has been preparing them and providing the way for them on this process to bring a child into their family.
Open Air Preaching Spotlight: Shawn Holes (the Baptist) Time permitted
Sermon Jam of the Week: Time permitted
Hour Two: Reality in the Christian life with guest Pastor Andrew Goins

Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Ep# 46 Genesis: In the beginning—GOD
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio my guest will be Anthony Silvestro, who will be starting a monthly series with us to go through the book of Genesis on the first Tuesday of each month. In the beginning we will deal with creation, so much to cover in the first couple chapters of Genesis, we will do our best to teach from this amazing book of beginnings.
As Christians there are areas in which we may have disagreements with other believers and have healthy conversations with one another, some of those areas are sometimes Eschatology, Method of Baptism, etc. However one area that sometimes is thrown into the mix as a debatable topic is that of Creation, Old Earth vs Young Earth. Personally I dont believe this is really an area that is debatable and I believe this series will be helpful to you in understanding why.

Tuesday Dec 30, 2014
Tuesday Dec 30, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio we are going to talk about trials and tragedies that happen before, during or right after the holidays and how we as Christians deal with them. We are going to talk about these issues that we may face or deal with in our lives and how God gives us comfort in times of trials and tragedies. Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries will be my guest as we discuss some of the things that people have gone through recently, a brother in Christ losing his home, a spouse who walks out on you, or a spouse who dies, police officers, firefighters and military men and women who die in the line of duty.
The Sunday right before Christmas a brother in Christ woke up to his house on fire, thankfully by God's grace everyone made it out of the house alive, but the house was burnt to the ground, losing everything inside. While material things can always be replace, pictures and sentimental items cannot.
What if your spouse cheats on you or walks out of the marriage. Maybe the loss of a loved one, a spouse, a child, a parent, a relative, or a friend.
First responders and military men and women put their lives on the line everyday. Some service men and women die in the line of duty, leaving behind families.
All these situations happen to some and the holidays come and go and then we carry the hurt, pain and sorrow into the New Year. How can we as Christians be there for someone going through a trial or tragedy? What if we are the one going through it?
Second Hour:
Sermon Jam: Voddie Baucham (If God is so powerful and so big why do bad things happen?)
Open Air Preaching Spotlight: Bobby McCreery (To the End of the Earth Ministries)
And more!!

Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Ep# 44 The Christmas Story
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
A look at the Biblical account of the Birth of Jesus Christ.
This week on G220 Radio, Its all about Christmas! The phone lines will be open you can call in and share your thoughts on Christmas......maybe your for or against it and you want to share why, maybe you want to share a favorite memory or special tradition you have of Christmas, or share how you use this time of year to reach out to the lost?
Also I will be playing Christmas music throughout the show along with snippets of Christmas. And talk about the birth of Christ! Will play the sermon jam of the week by RC Sproul and our open air preaching spotlight with Paul Latour