
Monday May 26, 2014
Ep# 14 Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Served
Monday May 26, 2014
Monday May 26, 2014
Ep# 14 Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Served
Honoring those who have served and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Monday May 19, 2014
Ep# 13 A Conversation With A Oneness Pentecostal
Monday May 19, 2014
Monday May 19, 2014
Ep# 13 A Conversation With A Oneness Pentecostal
On this episode of G220 Radio I will sit down in a conversation with a friend of mine who is a oneness pentecostal, for years we have talked about the differences between what we believe and that I cannot count him as a brother in Christ due to his denial of the Trinity. He is though someone I can call a friend. So on this episode I thought it might be helpful for others to listen in to how many of our conversations go to help Christians in answering questions from those who hold to oneness theology. My prayer is to see my friend and others come out from this false teaching and come to the true understanding of who God is-- (Triune)

Monday May 12, 2014
Ep# 12 False Teachers and Why It Is Important To Speak Out Against Them!
Monday May 12, 2014
Monday May 12, 2014
Ep# 12 False Teachers and Why It Is Important To Speak Out Against Them!
On this epidsode of G220 Radio we will be taking a look at false teachers and speaking about why it is important to call out false teachings as well as the teachers who teach them. I will be joined by my guest Virgil Walker.
Together we will do are best to help people understand that calling out false teachers is actually a loving thing to do, many people will say, " you are wrong for going against men or women of God" but honestly if these so called men and women of God are teaching falsely and proclaiming a false Gospel, then truthfull they are not of God.

Thursday May 08, 2014
Ep# 11 Is There An Evangelism "Sub-Culture" Within The Body of Christ?
Thursday May 08, 2014
Thursday May 08, 2014
Ep# 11 Is There An Evangelism "Sub-Culture" Within The Body of Christ?
On this special edition of G220 Radio, I will be looking into the idea that there is a subculture in evangelism within the Body of Christ. And if there is sould we be concerned by that?
I will be joined by my friend George Alvarado as he joins me as my co-host for this special edition of G220 Radio and are guests tonight will be Michael Corral of DC Evangelists and Steve Bauer of Watersource Ministries.
During this show we will attempt to discuss the use of the word sub-culture that is being thrown around the evangelism community. How should we handle this sub-culture if there is one, and what can we do as Christians (who are evangelists and open air preachers) to work along side our Pastors and Elders in our Local Churches?
So tune in for this special episode of G220 Radio to hear this discussion.

Monday May 05, 2014
Ep# 10 Secular and Sacred Music..Is There A Divide?
Monday May 05, 2014
Monday May 05, 2014
Ep# 10 Secular and Sacred Music..Is There A Divide?
Something I have struggled to understand as of late is so many Christian rappers and other Post Mill Christians have said there is no divide between secular and sacred, its just art (music, movies etc.). So on this episode of G220 Radio I will be joined by Jovan Mackenzy, a Christian Rap Artist, ( http://jovanmackenzy.com/ ). Please check out the link to Jovan Mackezy's page where you can listen to and get his music.
I want to discuss this issue because as I said it is something I struggle to understand and believe others may as well and when you have people saying there is no divide between the secular and sacred it is definetly important to discuss.
Also what about collaberating in music with non Christian artists, should a Christian rapper collaberate? I understand every believer has their own conviction and some Christians may differ on their views but it is still something to talk about and consider.
Another thing to discuss is when it comes to Christian rap music does every song have to talk about Jesus to be Christian?
All this and more on this episode of G220 Radio

Monday Apr 28, 2014
Ep# 9 Striving For Eternity
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Ep# 9 Striving For Eternity
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be joined by Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries to tell us about his ministry and the upcoming Ohio Fire Conference.

Monday Apr 21, 2014
Ep# 8 Abortion
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Ep# 8 Abortion
with guest Daniel Weekley
Abortion is murder, but society wants you to believe that its all about a women's choice. What about the babies choice? Also what about abortion ministry, what is it like to be on the frontlines proclaiming the Gospel pleading with women to not kill thir babies.

Monday Apr 14, 2014
Ep# 7 Homosexuality
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Ep# 7 Homosexuality
On this epsisode of G220 Radio we will be discussing the topic of homosexuality with guest Gayane Barnes, a Godly Christian woman who is willing to share her struggles with homosexuality and how God has brought her out of it.
Today society tries to tell us that there is nothing wrong with two people of the same sex to love each other and to have the right to marry that person. However the Word of God says something different than society and the culture around us. Some also believe this is a political issue and that Christians should not get invovled with this discussion. While there are yet others who will profess to be Christians and yet say that homosexuality is ok and that the bible does not teach against homosexuality but that it is ok as long as it is between two people in a devoted and faithful relationship. Some also argue the fact that they were born this way, so how can you hold it against them for being how they were born. Is that really what Christianity teaches?
When a Christian stands in opposition to homosexuality they are called hateful or bigots. Christian businesses are boycouted, some even sued and ran out of business. While other Christian organizations collapse and give into the pressures and become accepting of gay marriage.
What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Tune in as we discuss this issue and more on G220 Radio.

Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Ep# 6 Racism/Interracial Marriages: Its real, how do we as Christians deal with it?
We can say racism is in the past and we should just move on, however its not that easy there are still affects from the past. How do we deal with the issue of racism as Christians? How do we address these issues and talk to our black brothers and sisters in Christ, how do we relate. we are on in Christ Jesus and there is only one race, the human race. But it is ignorant to say we dont see color or ethnic differences. On this show my prayer and goal is to really address how to deal with these issues and grow in Christ with brothers and sisters who are different colors.

Monday Mar 31, 2014
Ep# 5 Contradict--They Can't All Be True!
Monday Mar 31, 2014
Monday Mar 31, 2014
Ep# 5 Contradict--They Can't All Be True!
There are many different religions in the world and many people in today's society believe that all roads lead to rome. In other words it doesnt really matter what you believe if it works for you it will all be the same in the end. However this cannot be true, the law of non-contradiction tells us two things cannot say something completely opposite and still be the same.
Christianity is an exclusive religion, in John 14:6 Jesus Christ says he is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through him. That's pretty exclusive!
Do religions all basically teach the same thing? On this episode of G220 Radio we will be discussing the new book Contradict--They cant all be true with Author Andy Wrasman.