Tuesday May 04, 2021
The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error (1 John 4:1-6) // Ep# 479
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tonight on G220 Radio, Ricky Gantz and Mike Miller will continue in the 1 John series looking at chapter 4:1-6. As believers we must try the spirits and not just believe every spirit, there are many false teachers in the world, in the Apostle John's time of writing this epistle and even in our day, we must be discerning.
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Intersection of Our Love of God and Of the Church // Ep 478
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
1 John 3:11-14 brings together two threads that John has bounced from since the beginning. John finished 3:10 with the idea of Christians loving their fellow Christians. 1 John 3:11-24 will give us a taste of what this love looks like.
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Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
God's Children Abide in Him (1 John 2:28-1 John 3:10) // Ep# 477
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
In this episode of G220 Radio, Mike Miller and Ricky Gantz continue with the series on the book of 1 John.
Do you abide in Christ? Are you a child of God?
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Antichrist (1 John 2:18-27) // Ep# 476
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tonight on G220 Radio, we talk about the Antichrist from First John
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
1 John 2:1-17 continues themes of sin and light/darkness. In this episode, Ricky and Mike consider how John connects our forgiveness with a pursuit of holiness. John explains clearly that true fellowship in the Son requires following the commands of Jesus. We will address what it means that Christ is the propitiation of the whole world. Next, We teach how John uses light and darkness again as we considered how we are to love the brethren. John breaks to exhort us as believers to remember we were forgiven and that we can overcome the world in 1 John 2:12-14. John prepares us for his appeal in 1 John 2:15-17 to not love the world things, which the desires of the flesh. These are against the Father. John brings us the Gospel balm in these 17 verses for our weary souls. John encourages us to continue to strive for holiness and love to brethren. So join us as we discuss 1 John 2. This episode continues a series on the letters of John. John's writings have been beloved by many, so we pray that this series will foster a deepening love for Christ and his people.
At G220 Radio, we desire to glorify the Lord as we seek to edify the saints and to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus.
Like us on Facebook to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/G220Radio
Want the Video version? You can subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDPOcTjtLWyZ0cDbVwAe0Dg.
You can email us show ideas at G220radio@gmail.com
#1John2 #G220Radio #G200Ministries
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
The Apostle John delivers an impactful treatise about having fellowship with fellow Christians and with the Triune God. First John 1 examines the communion we have with Father as God is light. In this episode, the boys at G220 Radio contemplate the importance of this first chapter. We will observe the significant Christological implications in verses 1 John 1:1-4. John introduces here Christ's humanity before discussing it in later chapters. In 1 John 1:5-10, they will cogitate about how our testimony reflects on God, from a human perspective, based on walking in the light or in darkness. John's introduction will launch into a vastness of the nature of Father and Christ. God forgives sinners. Those who walk in darkness while claiming to walk in the light call God a liar.
This episode continues a series on the letters of John. John's writings have been beloved by many, so we pray that this series will foster a deepening love for Christ and his people.
At #G220 Radio, we desire to glorify the Lord as we seek to edify the saints and to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus.
Like us on Facebook to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/G220Radio
Want the video version? You can subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDPOcTjtLWyZ0cDbVwAe0Dg
You can email us show ideas at G220radio@gmail.com
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Are you walking in the truth? // Ep# 473
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Are you walking in truth? John answers question in many ways throughout all his letters. In this episode, we continue in our series through the epistles of John by breaking down 3 John. In this short letter, John commends Gaius for walking in the truth as he demonstrates hospitality to fellow Christians. John then compares Diotrephes as the example of someone who rejects the teaching of the Apostles and shows the lack of hospitality to other Christians. All this leads to the command to imitate good because they come from God.
Welcome to G220 Radio, our desire is to glorify the Lord through G220 Radio, as we seek to reach the lost that they might come to know Christ and edify the saints.
Make sure you subscribe to our channel to receive notifications of new content.
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Want to watch the video version, subscribe to us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/G695_5NMIas
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Watch Your Doctrine and Walk in God's Commandments: Lessons from 2 John // Ep# 472
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
The little letter of 2 John packs a punch. 2 John contains condense themes of both the Gospel of John and 1 John. In this episode of G220 Radio, we seek to unpack this small letter. Starting from the greeting to the final word, we will exegete and apply this letter to our hearts. The themes of truth, love, heresy, and orthodoxy provide the necessary information for a deeper dive into the rest of John's writings. John's letter will encourage us to watch our doctrine because they have God. John also exhorts us to walk in God's Commandments.
This episode starts a series on the letters of John. John's writings have been beloved by many, therefore we pray that this new series will foster a deeper love for Christ and his people.
At G220 Radio, we desire to glorify the Lord through G220 Radio, as we seek to reach the lost that they might come to know Christ and edify the saints. Don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy this episode.
Go over to Facebook and like us: https://www.facebook.com/G220Radio
Want to listen to the audio version, join us on Podbean: https://g220radio.podbean.com/
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Tampa Bay wins the Super Bowl while these brothers seek to win souls
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Did you watch the Super Bowl? With a 50/50 chance at picking the winner, did you choose the winning team? One thing is certain and not a 50/50 chance but a 100% chance, at some point we will take our final breath and step off into eternity. Are you ready for that day? Where would you spend eternity, in heaven or in hell? Well, leading up to the Super Bowl these brothers were out in Tampa along with others as a part of the SFOI team of evangelists, pastors, and street preachers. The mission, to share Christ with as many people as the Lord would bring into their paths. Tune in as we listen to their testimonies of the experiences they had at this outreach.
Welcome to G220 Radio, our desire is to glorify the Lord through G220 Radio, as we seek to reach the lost that they might come to know Christ and edify the saints.
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Ep# // 470 A Berean's Response to the Social Justice Gospel
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
What is CRT? Gender Intersectionality? Social Justice Gospel?
On this episode of G220 Radio, we welcome Daniel Knapp II author of A Berean's Response to the Social Justice Gospel.
Get your copy on Amazon here https://www.amazon.com/Bereans-Response-Social-Justice-Gospel/dp/B08P1CFG1R
Description from the book... There is currently a battle for the soul of the Church. This battle affects just about every relationship, social structure, and political idea that Christians have. And, more importantly, it also can make a significant impact on the Body of Christ, its community, its mission, and its message. And one concerning thing is that this teaching has crept in quickly and largely undetected. This battle is about the Christian's understanding of truth and justice. Many haven’t studied the spectacular reconciliation that the cross brings or how to apply it. Biblical teachings on race, sex, income disparities, and other important issues need to be understood biblically. This battle is against the "Social Justice Gospel." This book is written to argue for and defend biblical truth, a truth that Christians can rally around and find unity in. And that truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.