Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Ep# 207 The King's Perspective
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Hosted by Ricky Gantz
w/Guest Mike King
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be talking to Mike King, a good brother in the Lord. Mike and I met online and enjoy his sense of humor, he always seems to be smiling and have a good cheerful attitude
Mike will be sharing with us how he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Really excited to have good brothers like Mike come on the show and share their testimonies to encourage other saints that can rejoice with us when listening to a brother talk about how the Lord has moved and worked in thier life.
Also with Mike's sense of humor who knows what we will talk about, he might even take over the show, haha!
If you have any questions/comments/feedback please email us at g220radio@gmail.com
For more information about the ministry please visit our website at: http://www.g220ministries.com
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Ep# 206 OAP-Why you should be a Church member & not a new convert
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio!
On this episode we will be discussing Open Air Preaching (OAP) and why you should be a Church member & not a new convert. Many have zeal to get out and evangelize and some have the desire to get up and preach on the streets. Sometimes in that zeal and desire to have brothers and sisters out with us we might encourage new believers or those who don't belong as a member of a Church to join you on the streets. Hopefully after this conversation on this very topic will give you more to consider and think through when being out on the streets and discipling others in open air preaching.
hosted by: Ricky Gantz
w/guest: Pastor Brandon Rhea
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Ep#205 My Issue with AHA (Abolitionists)
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio!!! Here on the program we discuss a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to encourage, equipped and edify the saints and call unbelievers to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Hosted by: Ricky Gantz
w/Guests: T. Deimaris Barlow, Arnold Davtyan, Zephaniah Mel, Steven Ely & Landon Kozeny
On this episode of G220 Radio we open up the conversation about AHA (Abolitionists), the view of the local church, and church repent projects and my issue with AHA. While I (Ricky Gantz) personally disagree with AHA the men I have on the show today that are abolitionists and involved with AHA I do believe to be brothers in Christ and felt they would be the best to have a conversation with on this issue in order to have a civil and respectful conversation. My prayer is for that to happen. My other guests are here opposed to AHA as well and look to join in and engage in this conversation.
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Ep# 204 Abortion/Voting for President/Repentance
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio!!! Here on the program we discuss a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to encourage, equipped and edify the saints and call unbelievers to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
On this episode: New Creation in Christ w/guest Jason Michael Sleichter / hosted by Ricky Gantz
There seems to be some topics that always seem to cause much disagreement between individuals, and some which cause disagreements between believers as well. Well on this episode we will attempt to discuss three topics many don't like to hear about. Abortion, which is the murder of unborn babies that has been America's holocaust. Voting for President, which has already caused brothers and sisters to delete one another on social media and/or cause some division amongst believers. Repentance, which is something we all should seek out on a daily basis and especially in times of dealing with the first two topics already mentioned.
Please be sure to send us your feed back at g220radio@gmail.com
Subscribe on iTunes
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Ep# 203 New Creation in Christ
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio!!! Here on the program we discuss a wide variety of topics from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to encourage, equipped and edify the saints and call unbelievers to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
On this episode: New Creation in Christ w/guest Adam Albright / hosted by Ricky Gantz
One of the great things we love to do on G220 is hear how other saints have been brought to faith in Christ. Adam will be sharing with us his personal testimony in how Christ has worked in his life bringing him to true saving faith and making him a new creation in Christ.
Please be sure to send us your feed back at g220radio@gmail.com
Subscribe on iTunes
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Ep# 202 Is it just black and white?
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Hosted by: Ricky Gantz
w/guest: Roger Skepple
Welcome to G220 Radio! Where we discuss a variety of topics from a Christian worldview and our hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged , edified and blessed by the program. One of our goals here on the show is to be able to discuss issues and differences graciously, honestly, civil and truthfully.
On this episode of G220 Radio we are going to be talking to Roger about the thoughts that come from some in the black community on issue today and what it would look like to heal these issues in the minds of some. Is it a simple solution or is it complex? Is it just black and white?
Here are some of the comments from Roger Skepple that led to this episode of G220 Radio.
"From what I've been seeing on my timeline I'm 100% certain that many of my black "brethren" , unbelievers and believers (sadly) won't be satisfied until whites are enslaved and/or heavily taxed. I so wanna dissect the highly disturbing mentality of completely denying flaws within your own ethnicity and holding a generation so far removed from slavery accountable for people who are dead and gone simply because they happen to share the same skin color. I mean as blacks we don't even want to be held accountable for the flaws of people in OUR OWN GENERATION! AND RIGHTLY SO I ESPECIALLY am curious about believers who hold this mentality when the God speaks about not holding children accountable for the sins of the fathers. It's incredible, but my head hurts"
"It's more acceptable to annihilate the black family in the womb than by a cop"
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Ep#201 (SOTW)-"In Awe of God's Law" by Pastor Fred Pugh
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Welcome to G220 Radio! Sermon of the Week (SOTW) comes to us from Pastor Fred Pugh of Grace Covenant Chruch in Olmsted Township, Ohio. We would like to encourage you to follow Grace Covenant Church on sermon audio or through iTunes to hear the most recent sermons each week.
If you would like to find out more about Grace Covenant Church and Pastor Fred Pugh please click on the link below:
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Ep# 200 Can we have a civil conversation about women street preaching?
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
w/guests: Scott Bushey, Andrew Rappaport & Justin Pierce
Also we will be opening the phone lines for those who would like to give their position on this topic of women street preaching. However, we ask that if you call into the show you give your position as to for or against with a reference to scripture as to why you have that position.
Call in # 347-857-4028
Welcome to G220 Radio! Where we discuss a variety of topics from a Christian worldview and our hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged , edified and blessed by the program. One of our goals here on the show is to be able to discuss issues and differences graciously, honestly, civil and truthfully.
On this episode we will be disucssing the topic of women street preaching. Some are for this and have no probelm with a woman standing on a box at a street cornner and lifting up her voice to preach the gospel to those walking by. Others are opposed to this and don't believe this is the role of women to street preach. Some view this as a matter of semantics, that there are many words that can be used like, preach, teach, witness, testify, proclaim, presentation, sharing, herald, and evangelize. Our goal as in every show is to have a civil, gracious and edifying conversation on this topic without name calling or being aggressive toward those who disagree with one another. Our stance also is one that we choose to not separate or divide from those who disagree and/or call them heretics or unbelievers.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Ep# 199 Dispensational or Covenant Theology
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Hosted by: Ricky Gantz
w/guests: Pastor Andres Reyes & Pastor Mike Waters
Welcome to G220 Radio! Here on the program we hope to encourage, edify and challenge believers to be more like the bereans and grow in their Christian faith. We cover and discuss a wide variety of topics on the show looking at each topic from a biblical worldview.
On this episode we will have a conversation between two opposing theologies, Pastor Andres Reyes will take the position of Dispensational Theology and Pastor Mike Waters will take the position of Covenant Theology. There will be an opening from each individual on why they hold to the position they hold to and then why they disagree with the other position. After their initial introductions the conversation will be less formal and more of a back and forth between the two men.
If you have any questions or comments please email us at g220radio@gmail.com
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Ep# 198 Rethinking Conditionalism (Overview)
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Hosted by: Ricky Gantz & George Alvarado
Welcome to G220 Radio! Here on the program we hope to encourage, edify and challenge believers to be more like the bereans and grow in their Christian faith. We cover and discuss a wide variety of topics on the show looking at each topic from a biblical worldview.
On this episode we are going to take a shot gun approach and give and overview of Conditionalism. Over a year ago I (Ricky Gantz) received and email from a popular proponent of conditional immortality on rethinking hell. Never really paid it much mind but recently this position has become the topic of discussion amongst many due to a recent debate on the subject. We initially were planning on having a show with this proponent of this view on the program but due to scheduling had to cancel that episode with hopes that a future conversation can be had. So we are going to give and overview of sort on this issue and discuss it during this episode of G220 Radio.
****George would like to apologize for something he misspoke during the show. He stated that most people in the Church of Christ were conditionalists. This was no the church he wished to identify. It is the United Church of God which he was meaning to say. The United Church of Christ is the main denomination that believes in baptismal regeneration.He publicly renounces his statement.****