
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Ep# 24 Church Plant, Christian Music and Post Mill with Jovan Mackenzy
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio my guest will be Christian Rapper Jovan Mackenzy. We will be talking about his recent move to be a part of a Church plant.
It will be wonderful to hear what the Lord is doing through this Church plant, and also hear Jovan tells us about his personal testimony and how that has changed him as a Christian as well as in his music.

Tuesday Jul 22, 2014
Ep# 23 Video Games with Mitchell Lebron and guest co-host Ben Adams
Tuesday Jul 22, 2014
Tuesday Jul 22, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be talking with Mitchell Lebron about his testimony with video games

Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be talking about evangelism with Blair Radney of Hearts for the Lost Ministries. We will learn about what the Ministry of Hearts for the Lost is all about and what resources they have available to help you with your evangelism efforts.
Also we will discuss ways and tips for evangelism and how you can get started sharing the gospel with others, stepping out in faith to fulfill the great commission.

Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Ep# 21 A Conversation with a Oneness Pentecostal Part 2
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
G220 Radio will make a second attempt at a conversation with a oneness pentecostal. The first time we did a show the goal was to set it up as a regular conversation, this time we will deal more with the Scriptures and have less of a everyday conversation but more of a structured style debate without it being a debate.

Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Ep # 20 A Look At Roman Catholicism Part Two
Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Ep # 20 A Look at Roman Catholicism part two
Join G220 Radio as we take another look at the Roman Cahtolic Church this time going more into the their teachings

Monday Jun 30, 2014
Ep# 19 Apocity Revisited
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Ep# 19 Apocity Revisited
Do you know what it is called when someone fails to share the gospel message with othes.......APOCITY! On this episode of G220 we will be joined by George Alvarado as we revisit the topic of his book Apocity The Greatest Omission. So often in the American Church we look to evangelism as inviting others to Church that they might hear the gospel from their pastors. Sometimes Churches come up with many ways to try to attract unbelievers into the doors of the Church. While some of these types of outreaches may reach some, Jesus commanded us to go into the world and share the gospel. Do you think it is a sin to not share your faith? Some believe it is not their gifting, others fail to share the gospel out of fear of man and others out of laziness.

Monday Jun 23, 2014
Ep# 18 Messianic Christians and The Hebrew Roots Movement
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Ep# 18 Messianic Christians and The Hebrew Roots Movement
On this episode of G220 Radio I will be joined by Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries to talk about Messianic Christians and the Hebrew Roots Movement.

Monday Jun 16, 2014
Ep# 17 A Look At Roman Catholicism Part One
Monday Jun 16, 2014
Monday Jun 16, 2014
Ep# 17 A Look At Roman Catholicism Part One
Examining Roman Cathoic Beliefs

Monday Jun 09, 2014
Ep# 16 Lead Me To The Cross
Monday Jun 09, 2014
Monday Jun 09, 2014
Ep# 16 Lead Me To The Cross
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be talking to James Fobel in the first interview as he shares with us his story and how the Lord brought him from a sinful lifestyle which led him into prison and how the Lord changed his life leading him to the cross.
Then we will be joined by our second guest Orlando Collazo as he also will share his testimony of being on the streets and how the Lord lead him to the cross as well.

Monday Jun 02, 2014
Ep# 15 Christian Liberty and Legalism
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Ep# 15 Christian Liberty and Legalism
On this episode of G220 Radio we will take a look at Christian Liberty, we have freedom in Christ. Paul says are things are lawful but not all things are beneficial, so we will also look at the flip side of this with Christian Legalism.
During the show we will take a look at many different topics in which we can either be very legalistic about or give to much liberty to. Things like Alcohol, Music, Movies, Law, Christian blogs and Christian Radio Hosts.