
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Ep# 73 TULIP Series: Limited Atonement
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio! Thank you for joining the program tonight here on the show we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview.
Upcoming Conferences & Events
1) Jersey Fire http://strivingforeternity.org/event/jersey-fire-2015/
2) SFOI http://sfoi.org/
TULIP Series: Limited Atonement w/guests Blair Radney & Greag Moss http://heartsforthelost.com/
1) What is the Atonement? http://heartsforthelost.com/biblical-teaching/what-is-the-atonement
2) Limited atonement (or definite atonement or particular redemption) is a doctrine accepted in some Christian theological traditions. It is particularly associated with the Reformed tradition and is one of the five points of Calvinism.
a) For many this doctrine is the hardest for people to agree with. Did Jesus die for every single person that ever lived or did Jesus only die for some? If Jesus atonement was only limited to the elect does that mean that God doesnt love everyone? The Bible says in John 3:16 that whosoever, doesn't that mean whosoever? Well hopefully tonight on the show my guests can help us understand this doctrine of limited atonement and why we believe this is the bible

Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Ep# 72 Sunday Night Small Talk (June 7th 2015)
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I want to thank you for joining the program tonight. Here at G220 Radio we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equip, edify, and encourage the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ! While the purpose of G220 Radio is to build up our brothers and sisters, we wil not shy away from the tough topics and will at times on the show confront errors and false teachings. Our prayer is to point believers to the truth and ultimately challenge the listeners to be like the bereans in searching the scriptures daily to test what we hear by the Word of God.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Ep# 71 Genesis: In the beginning --GOD! A Series Overview
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I want to thank you for joining the program tonight. Here at G220 Radio we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equipt, edify, and encourage the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ! While the purpose of G220 Radio is to build up our brothers and sisters, we wil not shy away from the tough topics and will at times on the show confront errors and false teachings. Our prayer is to point believers to the truth and ultimately challenge the listeners to be like the bereans in searching the scriptures daily to test what we hear by the Word of God.
Tonight on G220 Radio Anthony Silvestro will be joining me to give an overview of the Genesis series.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Ep# 70 TULIP Series: Unconditional Election
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I want to thank you for joining the program tonight. Here at G220 Radio we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equipt, edify, and encourage the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ! While the purpose of G220 Radio is to build up our brothers and sisters, we wil not shy away from the tough topics and will at times on the show confront errors and false teachings. Our prayer is to point believers to the truth and ultimately challenge the listeners to be like the bereansin searching the scriptures daily to test what we hear by the Word of God.
1) Promotional Info: Upcoming Conferences and Events
- A) #JerseyFire http://strivingforeternity.org/event/jersey-fire-2015/
- B) Sports Fan Outreach International http://sfoi.org/
2) TULIP Series: Unconditional Election
- A) Introduce guests Scotty Logue & Greg Moss of http://heartsforthelost.com/
What is the doctrine of Unconditional Election?
What is meant by predestination and foreknowledge?
Plus more

Sunday May 31, 2015
Ep# 69 Sunday Night Small Talk (May 31st 2015)
Sunday May 31, 2015
Sunday May 31, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, I want to thank you for joining the program tonight. Here at G220 Radio we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purpose is to equip, edify, and encourage the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ! While the purpose of G220 Radio is to build up our brothers and sisters, we wil not shy away from the tough topics and will at times on the show confront errors and false teachings. Our prayer is to point believers to the truth and ultimately challenge the listeners to be like the bereans in searching the scriptures daily to test what we hear by the Word of God.
Trying something new with G220 Radio on Sunday nights, opening up the phone lines and having a few topics out there to talk about. Allowing the listeners to call in and engage in some small talk and have a good time talking about whatever from a biblical worldview.
On this first episode we talked about Bibles for China and how in America we are spoiled with all the bibles we have here. How can we help get Bibles into the hands of those who truly want to have a need them, for those in these countries who desire to read the Word of God.
In another discussion tonight I talk about a recent post by Rapper who happens to be a Christian named Andy Mineo who asked non believers what they thought about open air evangelism. Also had two callers for the first ever Sunday Night Small Talk show.

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Ep# 68 TULIP Series: Total Depravity
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
TULIP SERIES: Total Depravity w/guest Dave Griffin
On this episode of G220 Radio we begin a weekly series going through the Doctrines of Grace.
We begin with Total Depravity!
Dave Griffin is going to take us through this doctrine and show us biblically what is meant by total depravity or total inability as it is also sometimes referred to.

Saturday May 23, 2015
Ep# 67 A Conversation from Taiwan, Louisiana & Ohio
Saturday May 23, 2015
Saturday May 23, 2015
With Blaine and Ingrid Seman, Laura Fairhaven & Lisa Lama

Tuesday May 19, 2015
Ep# 66 Overcoming Persecution
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
About the guests:
George Alvarado is the Author of the book Apocity The Greatest Omission. Since George was born again in 2004, he has open air preached in cities like Cheyenne, Wyoming, Ft. Collins, Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado, Chicago, Illinois, and Cambridge, England. He has taught Sunday school for children, preached in Church services, at military and civilian criminal institutions, and has led many evangelistic efforts, as well as mentored aspiring open air preachers.
Aaron Brummitt is the Pastor at Lighthouse Ana Baptist Church in Springfield Missouri where he was raised, has an education from Missouri State University. Aaron served 8 1/2 years in the Army and was saved in 2003, and has worked in youth and recovery Ministries for over 9 years. Not only is Pastor Aaron a passionate preacher in the pulpit but also out on the streets preaching in the Open Air as well.
Tonight we will be talking about overcoming persecution, the difference between persecution and being reviled and how should we respond. Also we will hear from these brothers about instances where they faced jail time and what we may begin to start seeing more of in America when it comes to the silencing of Christianity.

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Ep# 65 DC Evangelism
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, where we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our purposeis to equip, edify, encourage, confront and times correct the saints as we journey together, striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ!
>>>Here is what you have to look forward to on this episode of G220 Radio.
>>>>>DC Evangelism w/guest Michael Corral
On this episode we will be talking to Michael Corral to hear his testimony of how he came to faith in Jesus Christ and how the Lord pressed it upon his heart to take the gospel to the streets of DC. We will ask Michael to share with us some stories he has of evangelizing and open air preaching in Washington DC including the Pride parade event. As well as tell us about the DC Evangelist group.
We will talk to Michael also about Open Air Preaching...is it effective? Why open air preach? and ask Why does it seem to have little support from other believers/church?
Tune in and don't miss it.

Tuesday May 05, 2015
Ep# 64 Go Therefore Abortion Message & The State of the Black Church
Tuesday May 05, 2015
Tuesday May 05, 2015
(Hour One) -- Go Therefore Abortion Message by Laura Fairhaven
In April we held the Go Therefore Evangelism Conference and Laura Fairhaven spoke on abortion ministry. During this first hour of the show we will be listening to this message from the conference.
Also during this first hour we will listen to a sermon jam or two depending on time as well as talk a bit about this past weekends events at the Kentucky Derby.
(Hour Two) -- The State of the Black Church with guest co-host Canaan Gonzalez and guest Jemar Tisby
Join us during the second half of G220 Radio as we take a look at the State of the Black Church. We will be talking about the theology that is prevalent within the Black Church and much more!