
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Ep# 43 Pentecostalism...is it just Charasmatic Chaos?
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio my guest Canaan Gonzalez and I will be discussing Pentecostalism. The Pentecostal movement has been around for some time now and within the movement you have a very broad scope that can range from one end being very legalistic to the end of the spectrum being far out there and bizarre. Also within this charasmatic movement you have a group that has been very influencial over the years known as the health, wealth and prosperity gospel preaching. So join us as we attempt to address the issues that come out of Charasmatic Pentecostalism and see if it is really just strange fire and charasmatic chaos. Canaan Gonzalez will also share with us his experiences while being under the umbrella of Pentecostalism.
During the first hour I will be sharing with you audio from some of the types of things you hear come out of the charasmatic/pentecostal teachings. As well as open the phone lines to believers who may have come out from pentecostalism to share with us briefly your experiences.
Sermon Jam of the Week (.....)
Open Air Preaching Spotlight (.....)

Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Ep# 42 True & False Conversions
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Ep# 42 True & False Conversions
with Guests: Remember Ministries (John Eckel & Tim Alexander)
Ever wonder why so many people profess to be a Christian with very little to no understanding of the most essential biblical truths necessary for understanding salvation. Many people today will tell you they are a Christian and will go to heaven when they die and many of these people even attend Church every Sunday morning. Sadly when asked to share essentials from the Christian faith many of these professing believers cannot. Does that mean they are not Christians, well what does the bible say about this. How can we know if someone is truly a believer of a false convert? More importantly how can you know if you are a true believer? Well join me on this episode as I am joined by John Eckel and Tim Alexander of Remember Ministries as we take a close look at this very important issue to discuss of true and false converts.
During the first hour of the show I will be opening the phone lines to hear your answers to a question we will be asking during the day on the G220 Radio Facebook & twitter pages. So don't be afraid to call in and share your answers.
Sermon Jam of the Week (.....)
Open Air Preaching Spotlight (.....)
Plus some Christmas music throughout the first hour of the show.

Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Ep# 41 Red Grace Media/ Texas/ Open Air/Islam
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
In the first hour of G220 Radio I will be interviewing Emilio Ramos about the above mentioned topics an more. So join us as we find out about Red Grace Media and what it is all about, also Texas is a hot bed for false teachers how does Emilio go about addressing them and dealing with it in the area where he pastors. Emilio also engages in Open Air Preaching on collage campuses as well as other places, so we will find out some of his thoughts on the topic of preaching in the open air. And finally we will talk to him about Islam and how we as Christians can engage with Mulisms in our country with the gospel. All this and more in the first hour.
In our second hour the phone lines will be open if you would like to call in and talk. We can talk about anything really...so call in and let me know whats on your mind or just call and say hi. We will be listening to not just one but two sermon jams this week since we missed last weeks sermon jam, and in our newest segment Open Air Preaching Spotlight we will be listening to Mike Stockwell preaching.
Tune in and don't miss out on this episode of G220 Radio

Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Ep# 40 Healthy Living & Giving Thanks!
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Episode 40 Healthy Living & Giving Thanks
On this episode we are going to be talking with my guest Casey Walker about Healthy Living. Casey will share with us his story of how he changed his life around to being much healthier. Getting active, losing weight and eating healthier, Casey will share with us all about it and talk to us about ways we can get active and what it was that got him up and active in becoming healthier in life and enjoying it.
During the second hour of G220 Radio I will be opening the phone lines up for those who might want to call in to the show and share what they have to be thankful about. The number to call is 347-857-4028.

Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Ep# 39 The Feel Good Gospel, its all about YOU!
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio we are going to talk about how so much of what evangelicalism in America is doing today is man centered. The Feel Good Gospel, its all about YOU! How YOU can have a better marriage! How YOU can have better Children! How YOU can have a better career! How YOU can feel better about yourself! Sadly in American evangelicalism that is what we are seeing, the "preachers" who are the most popular and "successful" according to the worlds standard are the ones who are more like motivational speakers, just encouraging you and building you up all the time and never really confronting you with the fact that the Bible says we are all sinners. They would rather build up your self esteem rather than build up Jesus Christ and the Grace of God through Faith in Him that saves us from ourselves. Our sinful nature that is only bent towards sin and a hatred of God. So we will examine some of the more popular people who are promoted through social media and looked to as great men of God by so many without really examining what they actually teach or believe.
Sermon Jam this week will be from Art Azurdia. A new segment as well wll be highlighting Godly Open Air Preachers who are out on the streets faithfully proclaiming the Word of God and not compromising on the truth or a part of the heretical groups that you come across out on the streets.
Have you noticed any increase on the streets of the hostility people have towards God, I will also be touching on this as well and what we believe to be seeing. We are already aware of the hatred unbelievers have towards God, but there seems to be an increase in the hostility towards those proclaiming it out on the streets, at least in the area where we are. Maybe you have a different experience but I will take some time tonight to talk about it.
Also have some great music to play throughout the show as well as some negative feedback from a regular listener of G220.

Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Ep# 38 Go light your world
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
G220 Radio is going to test the waters and see how we will do with a two hour show, not so much with the show how the show will fair but with the host.
On this episode of G220 Radio we will have two full hours of content to bring to you, starting with the first hour dealing with abortion. Laura Fairhaven will be my guest to talk about the Preterm murder mill in Cleveland, Ohio where she goes out at least once a week to plead with the mothers to not murder their babies and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a front-line ministry that can really be one of the hardest ministries to be a part of. We will also hear audio from Austin Hetsler a fellow laborer in Christ about how abortion ministry has affected him.
In the second hour my guest will be John Eckel of Remember Ministries and we will talk about evangelism, the importance and need of it. We will hear John's testimony and how the ministry came to be and what are some of the ways they are reaching out to the city of Cleveland, Ohio.

Tuesday Nov 04, 2014
Ep# 37 Hunting and the Bible
Tuesday Nov 04, 2014
Tuesday Nov 04, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio we will be joined by Blair Radney to talk about hunting through the Christians worldview.

Tuesday Oct 28, 2014
Ep# 36 Ghosts, Demons, and Halloween
Tuesday Oct 28, 2014
Tuesday Oct 28, 2014
On this episode of G220 Radio we talk about Ghosts, Demons and Halloween.
Have you ever wondered if ghosts were real? Can someone who has passed on be stuck in between worlds unable to move on and be a ghost? What about demons? Hollywood horror movies are sometimes about demonic possession, one of the scariest movies I ever seen was the exorcist. So what does the bible say about demons and demonic possession? Can Christians be possessed? We often see the Catholic priests being portrayed as those who perform exorcisms. Are these real manifestations of demons or is it something else? Finally Halloween, what are the origins of halloween? Children dressing up like mummies, zombies, vampires, and witches. Should Christians really be involved with or celebrate this pagan holiday?
Tune in to find out on G220 Radio

Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Ep# 35 What are we talking about??
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Tuesday Oct 21, 2014
Hello G220 Radio listeners, on this episode we dont really have any theme or main topic really to call the show. So we are going to open the phone lines up for the listeners to call in and say hello.
What about these statements "I plead the blood of Jesus" or "I declare and decree" or "I bind you satan in name of Jesus" call in and share with us how you view these statements being made, maybe you use them and want to call in to say why.
We will be chopping up a video made by a professing Christian on YouTube about 5 things Christians need to stop doing, uuummm Ok! We will break these clips dwn throughout the show tonight.
Also are sermon jam of the week will be by Steve Lawson
Another audio we will play is from a annonomous fella on YouTube who posted a video with the message of why most Christians are going to hell.
What is in the news, so many things going on in the country where to we start, but we will cover some news stories tonight as well.
Should be a fun and excited evening, more fun and excited if YOU THE LISTENERS CALL IN. The number is 1-347-857-4028.

Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Ep# 34 A look at Eschatology: Dispensational Premillenialism
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
We continue our series on Eschatology with the Dispensational Premillennial view. My guest tonight will be Pastor Dean Good of Grace Church of North Olmsted. With the new LEFT BEHIND remake movie coming out in October this sparks talk about the end times. And the view that is represented in this movie starring Nicolas Cage is the dispensational view. So what is dispensationalism? What about the Rapture? The Tribulation and the Millennial Reign of Christ? What does this end time view believe when it comes to the events that will happen? How important is Eschatology? Does are salvation depend on it? Find out when you tune in to G220 Radio.