
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Ep# 63 Go Therefore & A look at Eschatology: Post Millennialism
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, where we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our goal is to equip, edify, confront and at times correct the saints as we journey together striving to be more and more ike Jesus Christ!!
>>Here is what you have to look forward to on this episode of G220 Radio.
(Hour One) -- Go Therefore
During the first hour of the show you will hear a message given by the host Ricky Gantz from the Go Therefore Evangelism Conference.
(Hour Two) -- A look at Eschatology: Post Millenialism with guest Seni O. Adeyemi

Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Ep# 62 Racism
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Racism has existed for a very long time throughout history in the world, and here in America we have a part of our History during the times of slavery where black men and women were treated as less then human. We would like to think we have come along way since those days but have we? While racism has never truly gone away in our country and most likely will always be around in some form until the Lord returns, over the last year or so we have seen an increase of this or at least it seems as an increase now that with social media videos and photos can quickly travel in minutes if not seconds. Allowing everyone to see acts of racism much more then may have possibly been seen without the internet and access to video cameras at the touch of our fingertips on just about every phone that someone may have.
My prayer for this show is to really talk about this issue of racism and what we are seeing our country. Talking about the police, black on black crime, responses from white people, racial profiling, the sin of racism, and what we can do better as Christians to engage and respond to the sin of racism and show the world how to deal with this issue from a biblical worldview. While at the same time not minimizing the hurt, pain and anger felt by those who have been on the negative side of racism because of the color of their skin.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Ep# 61 The Bible/The Twelve Disciples/Denominations/Spoken Word
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Hour One: The Bible & The Twelve Disciples
During this segment of the show we are going to look at the Bible. How did we get the Bible? How many books make of the Bible? When were these books written? We are going to take a look and hopefully help you understand a little more about the Word of God and how we came about having it and our goal is to give you an interest in learning more about your Bible to help you understand and be able to answer some challenges and objections others might have against the Word of God.
We also plan on taking a look at the lives of the Twelve Disciples chosen by Jesus Christ to walk with him. From Peter, James, John and the rest of the twelve.
Hour Two: Denominations/Spoken Word
Have you ever wondered why there are so many denominations? What are some of the differences between denominations? Can we have unity with those who may be of a different denomination? What about non-denominational churches? We will take a look at some of the different denominations out there and compare and contrast some of their beliefs!!
We will also be listening to clips of spoken word throughout the show, spoken word is an artistic and often powerful way to express truth and emotions or feelings through your words.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Ep# 60 Genesis: In the beginning--GOD! part 4
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Hour One: Genesis: In the beginning--GOD! part 4 w/guest Anthony Silvestro
At the beginning of every month starting in January Anthony Silvestro has joined us on G220 Radio to take us through and teach us from Genesis chapters 1-11. We continue with part 4 of this teaching series to help better equip us in understanding creation, the fall, the flood and the tower of babel. So tune in as we continue along in our study series on Genesis.
Hour Two:
In the second half of G220 Radio we will be covering a variety of many different topics throughout the week as well as getting back to the Open Air Preaching Spotlight and Sermon Jam of the week.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Ep# 59 From Witch Craft to Christianity & The Church and Homosexuality
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, where we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our goal is to equip, edify, confront and at times correct the saints as we journey together striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ!!
>>Here is what you have to look forward to on this episode of G220 Radio.
>>>>>Hour One: From Witch Craft to Christianity w/guest Adam Wright<<<<<
Adam Wright will be joining me in the first hour to share with us his testimony how he got involved in wiccan practices to Christianity. Also we will talk to Adam about his love for skateboarding and passion for evangelism. All this and more so be sure to tune in!
>>>>>Hour Two: The Church and Homosexuality w/guest Austin Hetsler<<<<<
Homosexuality is a hot topic today in our society and also even though it is a small minority it has gained large ground because of being so vocal about their agenda. How has the church dealt with the issue of homosexuality? We are beginning to see many churches begin to embrace homosexuality and allowing gay men or women into the pulpits, or changing their views on gay marriage. Others take a much harder stance on homosexuality and treat it as almost if not the most unforgivable sin imaginable. How should we as Christians appoarch the issue of homosexuality? Austin Hetsler will be with us in hour two to discuss this very topic!!

Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Ep# 58 Hope through Suffering & The Christ Myth Theory
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Welcome to G220 Radio, where we discuss many different topics and issues from a biblical worldview. Our goal is to equip, edify, confront and at times correct the saints as we journey together striving to be more and more like Jesus Christ!!
>>Here is what you have to look forward to on this episode of G220 Radio.
>>>>>Hour One: Hope through Suffering w/guest Richard Story<<<<<
Turn on the television to any "Christian" TV program and your most likely going to hear very similar messages that God wants you to be prosper, to be wealthy and to be healthy. But is that truly the Gospel message, what about when you go through trials and difficulties in life? What about those who go through suffering in this life? Is there hope through the suffering? Richard Story will join us to share with us his testimony of how even through suffering he has hope in Jesus Christ. We will also hear how the Lord brought Richard to salvation and how even though he may be limited physically from doing somethings, he is definitely still able to and has been used by God to encourage others. And we will talk about his passion for evangelism!
>>>>>Hour Two: The Christ Myth Theory w/guest Vocab Malone<<<<<
Sure there are people who say they don't believe in God. There are people who say they don't believe Jesus was nothing more then just a man or a prophet. Vocab Malone joins us to talk about those who actually hold to the idea that Jesus Christ never existed, that he is just a myth! Denying the historical recorded accounts in scripture and even in non biblical writings about the existence of Jesus. So be sure to tune in because you will not want to miss this conversation that will help teach us about those who hold to this Christ Myth Theory and help us learn from Vocab how we can respond to these objections that those who hold to this idea will have.

Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Ep# 57 Incarnational Sonship & Binitarianism / Witness Radio Evangelism
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Hour One: Incarnational Sonship & Binitarianism w/guest George Alvarado
George returns to G220 Radio to talk to us about these two positions that he brought to my attention recently, one being in error and the other being damnable heresy. Find out more when George Alvarado joins us to discuss what these two positions are and why they are in error and dangerous heresy.
Hour Two: Witness Radio Evangelism w/guest Ryan Muniak
If you haven't listened to Witness Radio, I want to encourage you to go and check it out. I've been listening to Witness Radio since it first started and recently they were put on iTunes and I decided to go back and listen to all the episodes again. Week after week you hear Ryan or others from CCN share witness encounters with students on the campus of Cincinnati or other Universities. Many who profess to be believers, some atheists, and some of other religions. We will talk to Ryan about his show, ministry there on the campus of Cincinnati and about these conversations we hear on the show each week. So be sure to tune in as Ryan and I discuss these conversations during a witnessing encounter.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Hour One: Pornography & Christian Rock/Heavy Metal w/guest Mitchell Lebron of Striving For Eternity Ministries
We will be joined once again by Mitchell Lebron to continue our discussion on pornography, the devastation it causes to families, the distortion is causes how women are viewed by men and that kills love. Also in the second half of this interview Mitchell and I will turn are direction onto another topic of Christian Rock/Heavy Metal. This is not a area of music in which I am not as familiar with. However Mitchell is and will share with us his thoughts on this genre of music and the concerns he has.
Hour Two: Comic Book Super Hero's on TV & Movies w/ guests Jovan Mackenzy & Chris Hohnholz
Do you enjoy comic books? What about the comic book hereos that have been on TV and on the movie screen in these big Hollywood blockbuster movies? This will be an hour of fun talking about the super hero's we enjoy watching on the screen or reading about in the comic books. From Batman, Superman, The Avengers to TV shows like The Flash, Arrow, and Gothem plus more. Who is the greatest super hero? What comic book super hero or villains would you like to see come to life on the screen? Looking to have a great time in hour two with my two guests in talking about this topic.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Ep# 55 Genesis: In The Beginning --GOD part 3
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio we continue in our teaching series through Genesis 1-11 with guest Anthony Silvestro. I encourage you to go back and listen to part one and two in order to follow along and be caught up with us in part three of this series.
We would also like to answer any questions you may have about creation or anything else dealing with what we have learned so far in this teaching series. You can submit your questions to rickygantz@g220ministries.com or directly to the G220 Radio fb or twitter page.
Send your feedback to g220radio@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Ep# 54 Another look at Discipleship
Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Thursday Feb 26, 2015
On this episode of G220 Radio we continue our talk on Discipleship. Originally Virgil Walker was supposed to be on in our first hour and we needed to make an adjustment and so we rescheduled our conversation with Virgil for a special edition of G220 for this episode. So tune in as we talk about Discipleship and hear from our dear brother in the Lord Virgil Walker.
Send us your feedback at g220radio@gmail.com